Last weekend we saw
Chris Pureka at
Martyrs, a smallish music club on Lincoln Avenue not far from our home. A girl with guitar and a lot of anguish to share, she reminded us a lot of Ferron, with songs ranging from grim to grimmest, and Mary Gautier's sober Americana songs. One of the folks we were with jokingly asked, where's the honeymoon stage in the relationships she's talking about? Her stage patter did however reveal a sense of humor about the unremitting grey sky in her songs. Her most recent album, perhaps not surprisingly, is called Dryland. We both agreed that a song about her grandmother looking back on her long life and concluding it was a good life was amongst her best.
Martyr's is an intimate little club that can probably seat a hundred or so folks in various tables surrounded by two bars. There is light food available there and a selection of beers, including Dead Rogue Ale, a good tasting beer out of Oregon which comes in at number 17 on our list.
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