Saturday is Groundhog's Day and I can't help but worry that I'm going to be subject to it. Remember the movie with Bill Murray? He wakes up and every day is the same as the one before. As most of you know, I'm going in for a biopsy today, to explore the nature of some calcifications that showed up at my 6 month post-surgical check up. Feels like June all over again! And here we are at just about the half-way point in our stay in Chicago! But with any luck the outcome won't be the same as June and I'll be able to dodge the Groundhog's day scenario. It's snowing today and is expected to really snow big tomorrow, so there's no way any groundhog would be seeing any shadows in Chicago. But the official groundhog is in Pennsylvania, right? In any case, thanks to everyone for once again sending so much positive energy our way. All those good thoughts and vibes really do make a difference!
Good luck Susan! We're sending good thoughts your way.
Thanks Stephanie! Keep 'em coming :)
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