Yesterday we went down to the Merchandise Mart to check out Artropolis, Chicago's enormous annual festival of art, antiques and culture. This is a yearly festival of various shows, including juried and unjuried art, emerging art, outsider art, and independent art. We saw some great prints, but were most interested in Intuit, the folk and outsider part of the show. Maybe our favorite booth was a collection of quilts with humorous captions, such as "born with a big head" and so forth. This booth also included several pieces featuring blues artists. While it might be hard to capture here in the blog, it was a great show.
WHERE oh where can I get a "born with a big head" quilt for my dear husband??? What a perfect gift that would be...
Hmmm. Hadn't thought of Eric in quite that way. Sadly, we didn't keep the gallery information for that artist!
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