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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Book # 1: The Breast Cancer Book

When we first thought up 10 x 40 I would never in a million years have imagined that our first book would be The Breast Cancer Book: What You Need to Know to Make Informed Decisions by Ruth Grobstein. But under the circumstances, it was the perfect book to begin with. Written in accessible language, with excellent summaries in each chapter, and extremely helpful decision trees for each stage of treatment, this book has been a huge help in gaining a better understanding of what's ailing me, what I can expect in the days and weeks to come, and in figuring out what questions to ask the doctor when we go to see her on Monday.

My friend Christine Harrington put me onto another great resource which has also been a huge help, the Susan Komen Breast Cancer website which has a number of brief video tutorials on various topics. These videos address just about any question one might have about breast cancer.

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