Welcome friends! To get the most out of our year in Chicago, we're seeking out 40 new examples of each of our 10 categories (see below right) and documenting the results on this blog. Suggestions and comments are always welcome (just click on "comments" in the lower right hand corner of any message.) To see all the posts, look at the list sequentially. Or you can follow specific 10x40 categories by clicking on the label for each in the lower right hand corner of any post.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Performances #1 and 2 (Congress of Starlings and Julie Loyd) Beer #3 (Mad Hatter)

Last night Kate and I went to see my guitar teacher's band (Congress of Starlings) at a great little bar / restaurant called Uncommon Ground. They're an interesting blend of folk and not-so-folk, great sounds and vocal harmonies. We enjoyed a few glasses of a tasty pale ale called Mad Hatter, beer number 3 on our list of 40 if you're keeping track. The opening act was Julie Loyd, a folkie with a lot of energy, sort of in the mold of Ani Difranco. Loyd was kind enough to point out some open seats for us even though we were late, but not as kind to others in the audience when they talked during her set. Hate to see what would happen if she got actively heckled!

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