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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Labyrinth - Place #9; Chicago Gold and Erik the Red - Beers #7 and 8

On Tuesday we visited the labyrinth at St. James Cathedral, an episcopal church in downtown Chicago located right off the Gold Coast. We met a group of folks from the church we have been attending here in Chicago, Holy Covenant Methodist Church.

Walking the labyrinth is thought to foster a meditative state. Although it appears to be a maze, it is not. There is only one path that leads to the center and that same path leads to the way out as well. Although it looks rather small, it takes about 30 minutes or so to walk this labryinth in a slow but steady fashion. This particular one is interesting because it is set in the corner of the back of the church in an extremely bustling, urban neighborhood. It's interesting that everyone who we walked with was able to feel quiet and centered despite the traffic etc. surrounding the area.

Afterwards, we repaired to the local Rock Bottom Brewery for drinks, dinner, and excellent conversation. All that walking and thinking induced serious thirst and hunger! I had a new beer, Chicago Gold. Billed as a pale ale, it seemed more like a lager, but it was still mighty tasty. Kate had a red beer called Eric the Red that she liked quite a lot. Here's a picture of all the great beers offered at this establishment (with me on the right looking on longingly.)

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