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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sufjan Stevens - Illinoise - CD#2

This critically acclaimed CD was recommended to us by our friend Belle's daughter Hannah and it is excellent (and so appropriate for us given our recent move). His music has a kind of folk / indie rock feel to it, but is more orchestral and chorally complicated than much of that kind of music. It sounds different in the way that Rufus Wainwright's music does, but sounds ultimately more grounded in chant than opera. You may have heard the song "Chicago," which is getting a lot of play on indie radio:

I fell in love again
All things go, all things go
Drove to Chicago
All things know, all things know.

The rest of the CD contains songs about various Illinois topics, ranging from Carl Sandburg ("City of Big Shoulders" poet) to John Wayne Gacy (serial killer who hid boys bodies in his NW side home) with a lot of spiritual references mixed in. You can learn a lot about Illinois from this guy! Sufjan is said to be planning concept albums for all 50 states and so far has covered Illinois and Michigan. Thanks Hannah! Excellent recommendation!


J R said...

I just checked in my brief dictionary and could not confirm that it's a word, but if it were, I would call this album "virtuosic." Meaning, he has achieved something that is really special. So glad you discovered this album during your stay in Illinois. It makes it that much richer. Cheers!


Kate, Susan and Cricket said...

I wasn't sure either, so I looked it up online and sure enough it is a word. Check it out: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/virtuosic

Seems to fit pretty well, I'd say!
