Welcome friends! To get the most out of our year in Chicago, we're seeking out 40 new examples of each of our 10 categories (see below right) and documenting the results on this blog. Suggestions and comments are always welcome (just click on "comments" in the lower right hand corner of any message.) To see all the posts, look at the list sequentially. Or you can follow specific 10x40 categories by clicking on the label for each in the lower right hand corner of any post.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fiddlehead - Restaurant 18; Two Brothers Beer 18; Ann Sathers - Restaurant 19

Fiddlehead is a restaurant in the Lincoln Square neighborhood that uses (mostly) organice ingredients in their dishes. The place has a great feel, with the space including a full bar and tables with a good view of the street. The wait staff are very helpful and friendly. This is a great place to come and relax, have a drink, and take your time eating dinner.

We started out with an excellent grilled shrimp, mushroom, and tomato appetizer (doesn't sound good on paper, but it was delicious) along with some very good bread. Susan had a Two Brothers beer, from a local brewery in the western suburbs of Chicago which was very good. Kate had a 312, another local beer brewed by Goose Island, mentioned earlier here in the blog. For dinner, Susan had an excellent chicken dish with mashed potatoes and mushrooms while Kate had a goat cheese in phyllo dish.
We had to scoot right out of there to get to the movie on time, but then we returned afterwards (to the staff's amusement) for a truly remarkable piece of banana creme pie before we braved the 40 degree weather to get home to welcome Athens friends Jonathan and Barry into town for a food show, to sell Jonathan's most excellent Vino de Milo products, such as the ones shown above. If you haven't tried them yet, check out the website for a store near you! It was great to see them both to catch up on all the Athens gossip and to visit Ann Sather's for breakfast, a place in the neighborhood that Susan used to go to for breakfast with her Aunt. And who knew Jonathan was such a crack puzzler? With him on the team we were able to finish a Friday NYT puzzle, no mean feat!


Anonymous said...

We love you guys! And that puzzle was easy with Susan's help -- she got it started, we just filled in the blanks. You guys are the hostesses with the mostesses! -- jonathan & barry

Kate, Susan and Cricket said...

Love you too guys! Hope to see you again soon! Maybe we'll finish a Saturday puzzle next time!

Susan and Kate