We've been absent from the blog for a while, but now we're back again. It's a hard to maintain the balance between doing 10 x 40 and documenting 10 x 40. I'm afraid we're better at doing than documenting ;^)
The GLBT film fest was running over the last couple of weeks. It is a huge film fest featuring over 70 films across 11 days. We saw three films, Vivere, a German film about unlikely relationships across generations. It was pretty pretententious and slim on plot. We also saw a film called The Gendercator, a science fiction dystopia that sends a 70's lesbian 40 years into the future where those outside traditional gender roles are compelled to have sex change operations. This film has engendered (pun intended) a good deal of controversy due to its alleged treatment of transgender folks as (however inadvertantly) aligned with the religious right to reestablish firmer gender lines through surgery. Rather than avoiding the controversy as some other cities have, it was screened in Chicago at the LGBT Center on Halsted and was followed by a panel discussion. The film was not very good and the discussion quickly slid into identity politics of various sorts. The last film we saw was the best of the lot, it was called Between the Lines and it focused on hjira, the so-called third gender in India. The picture above is a still from this film. It consisted almost entirely of interviews with various hjira which was quite interesting, but there was almost no critical commentary outside of the personal experience presented.
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