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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows - Book 14; Fun Fact 22

Don't want to give anything away to the one or two people on the planet who still haven't read this book, so I'll just say it's a worthy ending to J.K. Rowling's fantastic Potter epic . . . minus the epilogue which was rather uninteresting and flat. Kate finished this book when it first came out and I finally finished it during the move. Our Athens friend Miriam sent us a review of Harry VII from the National Catholic Reporter that does a great job of capturing the excitement surrounding the emergence of each new book in the series . . . and how that can never be fully regenerated for future readers of the series who can just burn through all 7 volumes at once. Fun Fact: Dumbledore is gay . . . but perhaps you already knew that ;^)

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