Last Saturday we went out with a group of the girls to see famed lesbian comic Suzanne Westenhoeffer at the Park West, where she was doing a benefit for a local non-profit, the Lesbian Community Cancer Project (the LCCP). The evening started with some delicious pizza and drinks at
My Pie, around Clark and Fullerton. This place features deep dish pizza and maybe the best pizza crust we have encountered while here in Chicago. After adequate food and drink were had we walked over the
Park West, a few blocks south on Clark and Armitage. We had really good seats in this very comfortable venue where we proceeded to laugh pretty continuously for the next hour and a half. Westenhoeffer's show is a combination of set pieces interspersed with banter from the audience. And really, when all is said and done what's better than laughing at and with your own kind?
It was so great! I agree.
It was great to share the show with you. See you at the next event!
P.S. Great photo!
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