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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Book 26: Rock of Ages

This is a sturdy history of rock and roll focussing on the period of rock's emergence in the 1950's through the beginning of the video era in the mid-1980's. There is quite a bit of detail here, with the book coming in at over 600 pages. It is split into three sections (50s and before, 60's, and 70's and beyond), each written by one of the three authors. I'm not a huge fan of the chronological approach to rock, as such accounts tend toward a "and then this happened, and then this happened" type of narrative. There are many books of this sort on the market and perhaps I've read too many of them. :^) This is surely one of the best of its kind and there is quite a lot of good information in it. While quite servicable in this regard, it is not as good a read as I had hoped.

1 comment:

Billy Louvin said...

Haha that is so true about "and then this happened!" Does anyone know of any American music history books? I'd love it.