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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Morning After (Surgery)

Ugh. I got a bit nauseous last night and finally succumbed right before bed. I usually don't get sick like that and have thrown up probably less than a handful of times in my whole life. I do feel much better today, though I am pretty sore and tired. I've been relaxing on the couch pretty much all day, watching some t.v. and looking at some silly magazines that our friends Jude and Pam sent along in a care package earlier this week (thanks you guys!!) Tomorrow marks exactly one month that we've been in Chicago. Isn't is amazing how much has transpired in such a short time?

The Cubs lost last night 4-2, but are playing the Bonds-less Giants again this afternoon, so I'll be spending the rest of today monitoring those developments.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that things are going well (I mean, except for the puking that is). Sending my best wishes that you hear encouraging news from the report and that the Cubs do well so that you'll have something to cheer about! (I know nothing about sports though...are there still more games? If there aren't that last comment will seem really stupid!) You're in my thoughts and I'm sending as much positive energy as I can your way.

Game Players said...

Sorry you were sick! And those dumb Cubbies didn't help you out with a win. Don't look at the Red Sox -- that'll make you really throw up!

Feel better.


Kate, Susan and Cricket said...

Thanks Jen! Are there more games?? You bet -- that's the beauty of baseball in the summer! There are at least 70, yes I said 70 games left before the playoffs.


Kate, Susan and Cricket said...

The Sox do look pretty anemic right now, but you can't argue with where they're at in the standings can you? I'd like to see the Cubs 7 games in front!