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Friday, July 27, 2007

It's Gonna Happen! - Fun Fact #2

That's the slogan that's emerged in response to the Cubs success this year. Homemade signs with the slogan are popping up all over Wrigley Field. Sure, there's still a long way to go, but the Cubs are only 2 games out of first place and its nearly August! That's happened only a few times in my whole life! We play the Reds tonight in Cincinnatti.


Game Players said...

And they're only 2 games out of the wild card -- of course they're going into postseason! The whole country would be rooting for them.

That September game we're seeing in Chicago might be hugely important and exciting! Can't wait.


Kate, Susan and Cricket said...

You bet Stephanie! That's their last homestand of the season -- and they could be playing for the whole thing! How amazing would that be? We have tickets for Friday -- do you think I should Sunday too ;^)


Kate, Susan and Cricket said...

Whoops. in my excitement I see that I left out a few words - I meant to say, do you think I should get tickets for Sunday too?

Game Players said...

Gosh -- do you think Kate could stand it? We'd be up for it especially because we so seldom get to see baseball with you. I'm already so excited I know it's going to be a madhouse because the race is so tight... I'll leave the tickets decision to you and Kate but we'll be happy with whatever you guys want to do.
