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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Halsted Street Market Days - Experience # 14; Center on Halsted - Place #18

Last Sunday, our friends Wayne and Helena stopped in to visit on their way from Philadelphia to Seattle and it was great to see them. We wandered over to Halsted Street Market Days, just a few blocks from our place in what is affectionately known as Boystown, because it's where all the boys hang out. (We wish we had a picture of the phallic / rainbow colored streetlight fixtures to attach here to demonstrate the point, but this picture of Wayne with a local boystown resident will also serve well. As you can see from the review attached above, some people regard this festival as the best of all the summer street fairs. It features a variety of food, music, and swag options. We saw my guitar teacher's band there, Congress of Starlings, as pictured above. They have a great song about the greater significance of the recent cicada influx (which, happily, we just missed) complete with original chirpings from the lovely creatures themselves. Check out their web page and give it a listen.
While down in Boystown we also checked out the new GLBT Center on Halsted and it is fantastic! Just opened in May, this two story structure is complete with large amounts of meeting space, a library, and a variety of other features, and has multiple events going on every day of the week. The Center is also attached to a Whole Foods store so that folks buying ready made food there can eat it right there in the main lobby of the Center. What a great addition to the neighborhood! (W & H and the Center too!)

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