Welcome friends! To get the most out of our year in Chicago, we're seeking out 40 new examples of each of our 10 categories (see below right) and documenting the results on this blog. Suggestions and comments are always welcome (just click on "comments" in the lower right hand corner of any message.) To see all the posts, look at the list sequentially. Or you can follow specific 10x40 categories by clicking on the label for each in the lower right hand corner of any post.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The SNMM Show Hits Town

On Wednesday our friends Susan, Nicole, Maya and Maddie came to Chicago for a visit that lasted through the weekend. We had so much fun during their stay we didn't really have time to blog for the last several days. The next several entries should get us up to speed, but let's start off with a picture of the crew with the big city as a backdrop. They look pretty good together don't they?? (the family and the city, we mean)

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