Elvis' disc is a live performance with the Metropole Orkest which is a hybrid of jazz, big band, and classical orchestra. It includes a variety of songs, including some reworked classics from his new wave days wuch as "Watching the Detectives" as well as some of his new work such as his collaboration with Burt Bachrach, "God Give Me Strength" (which was originally written for Grace of My Heart, a great movie about the girl group era, loosely based on the life of Carole King.) This is an interesting, but mellow disc, full of very satisfying surprises if you're in the right mood.
Both Dylan and Costello seem to be interested in revisiting older genres and they do it well. Perhaps this common interest is what led them to tour together this year. In any case, it should be a great show!
We just saw the Dylan/Costello/Amos Lee show here in Portland. It was great fun (except for the beer spilled down my back by an extremely zealous Amos Lee fan). Elvis was fantastically entertaining and very lively. Dylan was Dylan. He looked great in a western get-up and the song selection was good. His band is great but you can understand only about every fifth word he says. Personally, I don't mind and my brother and I had a great time making up what we thought he might have said. Heads and shoulders above the show we saw in 2005!
Can't wait to hear what you think... Enjoy the show!
We can't wait. I can't even understand every fifth word but it's still gonna be great!
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