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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dylan and Costello - Performance 10; Chicago Theatre - Place 26; Fun Fact 20

We went to see Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello on Susan's birthday on Sunday. What a great show! Dylan's band was really good and they played a lot of long jams on both old and new songs. Dylan's voice was extremely raspy, even for him. And he made up some new melodies for his old songs. But the real star of the show was Elvis Costello. From start to finish he was pure energy and entertainment, with great song selection and enthusiasm. He sang many old favs as well as some new songs including several anti-war songs, and even a humorous old chestnut from the 20's about elections and politicians. Even his banter from the stage was great. Although it was relatively brief, it was one of the best performances we have seen. Ever. We both came away wishing that he would have been alotted more time. The Chicago Theatre was a great venue in which to see them both. Its a cool old theatre with high ceilings, ornate decorations, and a wide main floor. So much more intimate than an arena venue which they undoubtedly could have filled. We were about 15 or so rows back on the side and had a great view of the whole show. Fun (?) Fact: Dylan did not talk to the audience once during the entire show -- until the encore when he introduced his band.

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