Welcome friends! To get the most out of our year in Chicago, we're seeking out 40 new examples of each of our 10 categories (see below right) and documenting the results on this blog. Suggestions and comments are always welcome (just click on "comments" in the lower right hand corner of any message.) To see all the posts, look at the list sequentially. Or you can follow specific 10x40 categories by clicking on the label for each in the lower right hand corner of any post.

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Sparrow - Peformance 9; Fun Fact 18

Last Saturday we took in a performance of the play The Sparrow at the Apollo Theatre, located about 1 1/2 miles from our apartment. It was a beautiful night, so we decided to walk down to meet our friends Karen and Josie for dinner before the show. We decided on Indian Food at the Raj Darbar, mentioned previously on this blog. We shared chicken tikka masala, chicken shahi kurma, saag paneer, and a chick pea dish whose name escapes me at the moment. They were all pretty good, but not as good as they had been when we visited last month. The play, however, was excellent. It is the story of the girl with magical powers and their effect for good and ill on her small town. Though it got a little Carrie-esque towards the end, highlights of the play included the singing and dancing and the enormously creative staging that seemed to really define the play itself. Fun fact: This acting troupe consists of a bunch of college friends who decided to come to Chicago to contribute a new troupe to Chicago's lively independent theatre scene.

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