Monday, December 31, 2007
CD 11 Joni Mitchell - Shine

Friday, December 28, 2007
Book 24: Half of a Yellow Sun

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Book 23: Mysteries of Pittsburgh, Fun Fact 30

Feist - The Reminder - CD 10

The Reminder is Feist's 3rd cd and it is very good. It has already appeared on many "Best of 2007" lists. You may be familiar with her work without knowing it. Feists' song 1234 has been on the ipod commerical for some time now. In fact, that platform is largely responsible for her surprising popularity given her ecclectic and largely jazz-like style. She sometimes sounds like Rickie Lee Jones, sometimes like Norah Jones, sometimes like a cabaret singer, and sometimes like no one you've heard before. There is a lot of subtlety to this album. It is the kind of cd you hear something new with each listening. Highly recommended, it definitely makes my Best of 2007 list.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Holidays on Ice - Book 22; Fun Fact 29

What better way to spend Christmas than to listen to David Sedaris' sardonic take on the whole holiday enterprise? Even though we had heard much of it before, we laughed out loud listening to this book on our drive to Athens last week. Santaland is one of the best send-ups of Christmas ever! Fun fact from Sedaris: did you know that Satan is an anagram of Santa? Merry Christmas :^)
Sunday, December 23, 2007
LAFS - Experience 29

North Pond - Restaurant 34

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Murphy's Red Hots - Restaurant 33
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Night Watch - Book 21

Movies 18 & 19: Weekend of the Coens

It was a Coen Brothers weekend. On Friday we went to see No Country for Old Men. Great story, but the last 1/4 of it seemed somewhat disconnected from the first 3/4 of it. Tommy Lee Jones is fantastic. As many have noted, there is quite a lot of violence, but so much so that it almost begins to seem cartoon-like at a certain point. You really can't go wrong with the Coen Brothers. On Saturday we went to see Romance and Cigarettes starring James Galdofini, Susan Sarandon, and Kate Winslet, with the Coen Brothers serving as executive producers. Kind of a post-modern musicial about a middle aged couple and their discontents. It was a bit uneven, but there were a number of really funny moments spread throughout the movie. It was worth the price of admission alone to hear Susan Sarandon singing Janis Joplin's "Piece of My Heart." The singing and dancing New York cops that flounced across the screen throughout the film were also pretty good. To complete the Coen fest, we're planning a reviewing of The Big Lebowski and O Brother right after Christmas.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Books #19 and #20 - Sacred Games and Shantaram

Friday, December 14, 2007
Moretti's - Beer 26

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Book 18: The Essential Triathlete

The heart of the book consists of several training charts that prepare the reader to reach this goal. The problem is he conflates the sprint and standard triathlon training chart into one chart, undermining the whole idea of keeping training and race goals as modest as possible. I think one could easily adapt the chart back down to sprint level, but it was frustrating not to find one dedicated to that level of racing in a book that is designed for the first timer.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Suzanne Westenhoeffer - Performance 12; My Pie - Restaurant 32; Park West - Place 27

Amitabul and Selmarie- Restaurants 30 & 31; Fun Fact 28

Thursday, December 6, 2007
CD 9: Cat Power: The Greatest; Fun Fact 27

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
CD 8: Gipsy Kings - Este Mundo; Fun Fact 26

Rock and Soul Class Part I - Experience 29; Fun Fact 25; CDs 6 &7

Saturday, December 1, 2007
Another Pre - Experience 28

First Winter Storm! Experience 27

For The Bible Tells Me So - Movie 17

Jin Ju - Restaurant 29; OB - Beer 25; LaShondra Barnett - Performance 11

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Poker with the Girls - Experience 26; Fun Fact 24

Fun Fact: It's not legal to play poker for money in Illinois, even in home games (so it goes without saying that these games were all on the up and up, purely for entertainment.) Illinois is perhaps the strictest state in the country when it comes to poker. I was surprised to read in the paper the other day that the police busted a cash game in a private home and that bars with separate rooms for playing were also being threatened with losing their license. An attempt to eradicate the Capone legacy? Strong lobby by the neighboring casinos? Either way, the casinos seem to have the market cornered when it comes to cash games. No such restrictions exist where we live in Ohio, where you can get a legal cash game pretty much any day of the week (as long as no liquor is being sold and the pot isn't being raked for private profit.)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Karyn's Cooked - Restaurant 28; Beer 24

We decided to share three dishes. Kathleen ordered the ribs, Kate ordered a Buddha bowl (mixed vegtables and rice), and I had polenta with mushrooms. They were all very good, but I think that anyone of them on their own might have been a bit much for us. Combining the entrees seemed to really add to their flavor. We also each had a Scarecrow organic beer, a flavorful light amber. We then decided to split a piece of coconut cake which was the largest piece of cake I have ever received in a restaurant! Despite it being very tasty, even the three of us together could not finish it off.
Karen's Cooked was a nice treat, but an even greater treat was having dinner with Kathleen and catching up on all the comings and goings in Athens!
Ras Dashen - Restaurant 27; Beers 22 & 23

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Pre-publicity for Who's Your Daddy - Book 17

March. (I snatched it off the Ashgate website). I guess this counts as
as a book that I've read ;^)
The Founding Fathers, Pop Culture, and Constitutional Law:
Who's Your Daddy
Susan Burgess
Series: Law, Justice and Power
Applying innovative interpretive strategies drawn from cultural studies, this book considers the perennial question of law and politics: what role do the founding fathers play in legitimizing contemporary judicial review? Rather than promulgating further theories that attempt to legitimize either judicial activism or restraint, this work uses narrative analysis, popular culture, parody, and queer theory to better understand and to reconstitute the traditional relationship between fatherhood and judicial review. Unlike traditional, top-down public law analyses that focus on elite decision making by courts, legislatures, or executives, this volume explores the representation of law and legitimacy in various sites of popular culture. To this end, soap operas, romance novels, tabloid newspapers, reality television, and coming out narratives provide alternative ways to understand the relationship between paternal power and law from the bottom upIn this manner, constitutional discourse can begin to be transformed from a dreary parsing of scholarly and juristic argot into a vibrant discussion with points of access and understanding for all.
Preface; Introduction; A fine romance: judicial restraint as a romance novel; Who's your Daddy? Judicial activism as a soap opera; Space aliens save country from ruin? Critical race theory as tabloid science fiction; Did the Supreme Court come out in Bush v. Gore? The instability of judicial identity; The drama of contemporary constitutional discourse: Lawrence v. Texas as a makeover of Bowers v. Hardwick; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index.
'Top, bottom, homosexuality, illegitimacy and more. Here all the stimulating issues surrounding queer theory enliven the traditional debates over authority for constitutional interpretation. This book is Susan Burgess at her path-breaking best. Like her earlier work and her professional contributions Who’s Your Daddy? is both fun and very important.'
John Brigham, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
'For nearly a decade, Susan Burgess has been producing some of the most provocative scholarship at the intersection of cultural studies, law, and politics. This book draws together and significantly extends her previous work. Interesting, insightful, and laugh-out-loud funny, Who's Your Daddy?: The Founding Fathers, Pop Culture, and Constitutional Law will change the way people think about old questions of legal power and judicial legitimacy.'
Keith J. Bybee, Syracuse University, USA
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Defining Moments in Music - Book 16

First Friday at Old Town - Experience 25; Fun Fact 23

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
"Pre": A Thanksgiving Event - Experience 24

A sit down dinner for 20 of the girls is no small feat, but it went so well that the organizing trio is considering staging "Pre 2" - a Christmas event. Stay tuned for details.
Gay and Lesbian Film Fest - Movies 14, 15 & 16

We've been absent from the blog for a while, but now we're back again. It's a hard to maintain the balance between doing 10 x 40 and documenting 10 x 40. I'm afraid we're better at doing than documenting ;^)
The GLBT film fest was running over the last couple of weeks. It is a huge film fest featuring over 70 films across 11 days. We saw three films, Vivere, a German film about unlikely relationships across generations. It was pretty pretententious and slim on plot. We also saw a film called The Gendercator, a science fiction dystopia that sends a 70's lesbian 40 years into the future where those outside traditional gender roles are compelled to have sex change operations. This film has engendered (pun intended) a good deal of controversy due to its alleged treatment of transgender folks as (however inadvertantly) aligned with the religious right to reestablish firmer gender lines through surgery. Rather than avoiding the controversy as some other cities have, it was screened in Chicago at the LGBT Center on Halsted and was followed by a panel discussion. The film was not very good and the discussion quickly slid into identity politics of various sorts. The last film we saw was the best of the lot, it was called Between the Lines and it focused on hjira, the so-called third gender in India. The picture above is a still from this film. It consisted almost entirely of interviews with various hjira which was quite interesting, but there was almost no critical commentary outside of the personal experience presented.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Traveling Mercies - Book 15

I had been thinking my Aunt quite a bit in the last week or so, missing her more intensely than I normally do in the normal course of life. One day I was waiting for the red line train at Belmont, heading south towards downtown. As is pretty common these days, it was slow and running on the wrong side of the track due to construction on the line. When it finally came, I boarded hastily looking for an empty seat and as I sat down I looked up to find a woman who looked remarkably like my Aunt. Same age, hair-do, style of scarf, lipstick type. Then she started to talk to me, just as my Aunt would have talked to a total stranger, about what she was doing that day, where she was going, her kids, her earlier life, crocheting caps for cancer patients and so forth. It could have been my Aunt. Really. Even though I knew better, it felt like it WAS my Aunt, so much so that I felt a real pang of loss, again, and had to choke down a few tears as I climbed up the subway stairs and hurried down the street to my appointment.
I thought about it all week. At the end of the week I learned that in the christian church All Saints Day (November 1) is supposed to signify a time when the boundary between this world and the next, the material and the spiritual is said to be very thin. I don't think I ever heard that in all the years I spent in Catholic Church as a kid. It's a good spin. I wonder if it holds in the subway too. Anyway, I lit a candle on Sunday in memory of my Aunt, feeling more at peace about her than I had for quite some time.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows - Book 14; Fun Fact 22

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Control - Movie 13; Fun Fact 21

Fun Fact: The name Joy Division is taken from a brothel frequented by German soldiers during WW II.
Specimen Days - Book 13

Dylan and Costello - Performance 10; Chicago Theatre - Place 26; Fun Fact 20

Saturday, October 27, 2007
International Film Fest: Movies 10, 11, and 12

Friday, October 26, 2007
The Sparrow - Peformance 9; Fun Fact 18

Gale Street Inn - Restaurant 26; Fun Fact 19

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Across the Universe - Movie 9; Fun Fact 17

I went and saw "Across the Universe" at the afternoon show today at the Landmark Theatre on Diversey, Clark, and Halsted. Yes, I know that it had been playing to mixed reviews, but I liked it. (Plus it was fun to see a movie for the bargain matinee price of $7.00.) In order to enjoy it you have to be ok with musicals and all of the hokiness that can go along with them on film, really like Beatles songs, and be interested in the ambience of the 60s. If that appeals, this is the movie for you. If not, take a pass. I think this might account for the wildly uneven reviews. Fun fact: Bono has a great cameo as a Californian who is way ahead of the New York LSD learning curve.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Eviction and New Apartment - Experience 23
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Red Light - Restaurant 25; Tiger - Beer 21
Blame it on Fidel - Movie 8; Fun Fact 16

We thought we'd warm up for the upcoming International Film Fest with this interesting movie directed by Anna Costa-Gavras. This film is great story told through the eyes of a 9 year old trying to figure out the world as constructed for her through the eyes of her lefty parents who are busy with their friends battling facism in Spain and Argentina in the 70s on the one hand and through the eyes of the nuns who are her elementary school teachers on the other. What in the world is a kid to make of all this? This film offers quite a compelling portrayal of family life and this young girl's maturation in a complicated world and home. Although it had some pacing problems, particularly in the first hour, we both really liked it and thought that it was worth staying with throughout.
Fun Fact: Several reviewers have speculated that the movie is loosely based on Anna Costa-Gavras' life with her very famous and very politically left father, Constantino Costa-Gavras, who is perhaps most well known for his gripping movie portraying the plight of the disappeared in 70's Argentina, entitled "Missing" starring Carrie Fisher.
iHole - Performance 8; Las Mananitas - Restaurant 24; Fun Fact 15

Bob Dylan - Modern Times; Elvis Costello - My Flame Turns Blue - CDs 4&5